
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nickelodeon Submission Completed
As I continue my search to find a home for Friedrich and Loofy, this evening I submitted Truffle Trouble to Nickelodeon's 60 Second Shorts program.

The following is a Short Treatment for the show as a whole:

       High up in the snow capped Alps of Bavaria, hidden among craggy rocks lies a secluded log cabin and a gleaming high-tech factory overlooking majestic and treacherous terrain.  At first glance, this appears to be quite an idyllic setting where our hero Friedrich Von Klutzenheimer (emphasis on klutz) who lives with his trusty friend and business partner a goat named Loofy.  Together they make exquisite chocolate truffles known and enjoyed worldwide.

Friedrich is not your average rosy-cheeked lederhosen wearing mountain hermit.  When he’s not tripping over his own two feet or accidentally creating avalanches he’s in his factory creating the most delicious chocolate truffles you have ever tasted from his mother’s secret recipe.  Quite by accident they became known worldwide and now he’s in way over his feathered capped hat.  Lucky for him, with his lack of business sense and adolescent nature he is fortunate to have Loofy as a business partner.  Loofy thrives on structure and has a definite skill in running a business.  By the way, he can talk…and he does.

Their days are packed with adventure, from out of control factory machinery, worldwide business trips, televised show downs with other chocolatiers, dancing chicken employees, villains of all shapes and sizes and “Choc-toberfest”.

"Truffle Trouble" contains themes of loyalty friendship and responsibility.  Friedrich and Loofy are honest, hardworking and use their success to help others.  It is truly a treat to behold!


I would also like to wish best of luck to friends and fellow contenders!  -S/

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